
University Politehnica of Bucharest Team:

Dr. Stefan G. Stanciu, the Project Coordinator,   is currently conducting his research activities as Principal Investigator at CMMIP-UPB. His main research interests revolve around high- and super-resolution imaging by scanning laser and scanning probe microscopies. Stefan’s doctoral work (2007-2011, UPB) had been focused on the development of novel digital image processing and computer vision techniques that enhance the visualization, representation and display of Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy Data. Stefan has gained valuable R&D expertise by participating in more than 20 Research Projects funded by National or European Research Grants, starting with 2004. Prominent examples of the research projects that he led as PI are:  Correlation and integration of microscopy and nanoscopy data by advanced computer vision methods (MICRONANO, 2015-2017), Correlative optical imaging in the far-field and near-field regimes: technical developments and applications (CORIMAG, 2018-2020); An Experimental Machine Intelligence Framework for the Automated Differentiation of Healthy, Dysplastic and Malignant Tissues Based on Multiphoton Microscopy Datasets (MICAND, 2017-2018); Higher-harmonic Generation Microscopy Beyond the Diffraction Barrier based on Re-scan Strategies for Optical Data Acquisition (H2020 Attract: HARMOPLUS, 2019-2020); A novel approach for near-field optical microscopy based on tip-enhanced fluorescence via plasmon resonance energy transfer (H2020 Attract: TEFPLASNOM, 2019-2020).

Besides the R&D projects in which Stefan is currently participating, he is also acting as Management Committee Member in three COST Actions CA15124 NEUBIAS, CA16124 BioBrillouin, CA19118 EsSENce. In the latter he is acting as Grant Awarding Coordinator and Workgroup 6 Co-Leader.

Stefan has published over 70 WOS Journal papers, including in top 1% journals, such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Science, Nano Today, Small, Biomaterials. His Full CV is available at:

Dr. Radu Hristu, is conducting his research activities at CMMIP-UPB since 2007, the year when he graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecomunications and Information Technology, in the field of Microelectronics, Optoelectronics and Nanotechnologies. In 2012 he defended his PhD thesis which was devoted to investigations on semiconductor materials and devices by using high resolution optical microscopy techniques. Starting with 2017 he acts as Lecturer of Physics at UPB.  His areas of expertise are laser scanning microscopy (instrumentation and applications), scanning probe microscopy (instrumentation and applications) and optoelectronics.

 Dr. Denis-Emanuil Tranca has graduated the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology at Politehnica University of Bucharest in 2010. In October 2015 he defended his PhD thesis, which covered new investigation approaches using scattering-type Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy. Currently he is acting as Lecturer at the Physics Department of Politehnica University of Bucharest and his research interests are related to scanning probe microscopy, high-resolution optical microscopy techniques (especially different variants of scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy), new detection and investigation applications for scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy and also image processing techniques.

Prof. George A. Stanciu is acting in GastroDeep as a specialist advisor on multiphoton microscopy topics. Starting with 1973 he has been conducting research in the Laser Scanning Microscopy field ( 1977 his team reported the first world-wide Digital Laser Microscope – patent RO995574) and currently he acts as Professor of Physics, Optoelectronics and Microscopy Methods of Investigations at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology of University “Politehnica” of Bucharest.

Mr. Dumitru Vragneanu (65) is acting in GastroDeep as an experienced optics tehnician. His vast experience is essential for swiftly implementing novel optical setups for multiphoton imaging and spectroscopy designed by the project team.

Mr Iustin Floroiu, is currently pursuing his bachelor studies at the Faculty of Medical Enginering of University Politehnica of Bucharest. He is pre-occupied with laser scanning microscopies with special focus on tissue imaging with conventional and non-linear optical microscopies. In GastroDeep he will act as a junior technician with tasks in principled data acquisition.

Mr Tudor Capraru, is currently pursuing his bachelor studies at the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunications and Information Engineering of University Politehnica of Bucharest. He is pre-occupied with laser scanning microscopies with special focus on computer vision and image proceesing. In GastroDeep he will act as a junior technician with tasks in optical setup optimization and data postprocessing.

Mr. Dumitru Vragneanu (65) is acting in GastroDeep as an experienced optics tehnician. His vast experience is essential for swiftly implementing novel optical setups for multiphoton imaging and spectroscopy designed by the project team.

Mr. Costin Ștefan Robu (24) has graduated in 2019 the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Bucharest and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science after defending the thesis entitled “New Methods of Digital Pathology based on Laser Scanning Microscopy and Computer Vision Algorithms on epithelial tissues”.  As of 2019, Ștefan started his postgraduate degree in Data Science at the University of Bucharest. His area of interest is Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Bioinformatics and his main research purpose is finding solutions to actual medical problems such as illness detection and staging using computer vision methods. His complete resume can be found online at

“Carol Davila” Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Team:

Prof. Mariana Costache, Partner Leader,  is currently acting as Professor of Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine, ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest and also as a Senior Pathologist at the University Hospital of Bucharest. Her main domains of interest in medical research relate to the genesis and progression of cutaneous tumours and to inflammatory skin diseases. Of recent, in the frame of her collaboration with Dr. Stefan G. Stanciu, Prof. Costache became interested in designing novel non-invasive diagnostic protocols for epithelial pathologies based on various laser scanning microscopy techniques such as confocal microscopy or multiphoton microscopy.

Adrian Dumitru- M.D., is a pathologist and part of the scientific team focused on breast pathology and dermatopathology, responsible for collecting, interpreting and analyzing laboratory data as well as conducting histopathological research on normal, dysplastic and malignant surgical specimens. His solid background in biology allows him to combine data from several different sources with technical data. He is currently acting as Assistant Lecturer of Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine,” Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest and also as Pathologist at the Emergency University Hospital in Bucharest, Romania.

Oana Maria Patrascu. M.D, is a pathologist interested in dermatopathology who works with other team members and translates histopathological evaluation into useful scientific results. She is an Assistant Lecturer of Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine, ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest and also a Pathologist at the Emergency University Hospital in Bucharest, Romania.